Sunday, May 02, 2010

Why am I ain't losing the last few pounds of fat

It's kinda interesting and frustrating at the same time in knowing how our body works.

It's not a myth but it's a fact.

Just like any education, we learned, we applied and reap the results. Common sense? Yeah... But I am not totally agreed with it. I just realize that, the biology and physiology you learned from lectures and text book do not enhance your knowledge in how to lose weight. Well, i might be wrong, but this is how I viewed it.

As a matter of fact, there're some issues that i wanted to touch on which are our body responses and hormones. Typically, gaining weight is deemed easy while losing weight is seriously damn hard.


As I mentioned in my previous post about the particular few main hormones - leptin, insulin, growth hormone.

You gotta make sure your leptin level is not low : Actions: Cheat-days
Insulin must not be spiking throughout the day : take complex carbohydrate and low to medium carbohydrate throughout the day and avoid carb during then night
Growth hormone stimulated through exercises : Train hard

Diet + Exercise = synergistic effect on weight loss

This is what I am gonna apply starting tomorrow.