Friday, February 13, 2009

Losing weight the right way (a short one)

Greentea - consuming it before any form of exercises enhance fat loss in the abdominal region

Eggs - improve eye-vision without you realizing it. Consumption can be high only when u r using
it more for exercises especially for body building. A better and much better food than
carrot (you should know what is the effect of overdozing with Vit A = yellow skin)
Basically, try consuming atleast 4 eggs per week depending on body needs. well you see, you can try observe any bodybuilder in their 20s and 40s, do many of them wore glasses.

Almond - eat a handful of it will provide you the essential or good fats for ur daily need plus it is
lasting and make u feel full.

Carb - major killer in weight gaining. Opt for unrefined, wholewheat, high fibre contain carbohydrate as this will not spike the insulin level in your blood and takes time to digest it.
White bread, a NO NO.

Jogging - Boring, right? try this new way of running
20secs of fast running, then 20 secs of resting, then 20 secs of fast running, then rest.
repeat for 5 reps.
Flexibility - can be jogging, cycling, skipping ropes or anything (related to aerobic)
- times and repetitions (reps) adjust to suits your own capability.
- took less than half an hour

Exercises - opt for a mixture. Doing weight training increase muscle mass thus increasing
metabolic rate for burning fat. more muscle as the composition in a body will burn
more fat. Second, go for cardio work out to increase calorie burning.

The best diet - The Mediteranean Diet. Shit!! forget about what is it like except for its intake of essential fatty acids such as olive oil

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