Monday, May 14, 2012

The Super Green Foods


What you should know

Among all these superfoods, each have their own key features which I will keep it for another times. What I would like to focus is on the four main factors:
  • High alkalinity
  • High amount of natural chlorophyll
  • Rich source of live enzymes
  • Wholesome food
  • Highly concentrated with macro and micronutrients and fully assimilated
The superfoods are the most powerful nutrients-dense foods on this planet, and they virtually have no calories, no bad fats or nasty substances. thus, they are power houses for any transformation to a slender and more healthy you. They typically contain an assortment of nutrient rich foods like barley grass, wheat grass, alfalfa grass, wild blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, herbs, vegetables, legumes, and fruits.

Let's be straight here, how many people have more than 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day? Plus, we are consuming more sugars, coffee, dairies, meat and other food groups which are mainly acidic. Adding with all the stresses and pollution from the environment, our body has to work hard to balance it. Also, exercises increase the acid production in the body. Ideally, our body condition should be lean more towards alkaline of around 7.35 to 7.45. When this balance become out of balance, illnesses will start to manifest in the body.

Second point, what is live enzymes? Live enzymes are proteins used by our body for cell metabolism. It assists our body by reducing the body burden in producing enzymes for digestion and assimilation. Unfortunately, when we cook our foods, most of the enzymes are destroyed. The worst offender will be processed food where labelled as "dead food". Consuming food that is not alive is a burden, it decreases the body live energy which we can utilize it to allow us to work, play and enjoy life. This mean we are using most our live energy in digesting, detoxifying and elimination of waste. Heard of this, I am tired even though I slept more than 8 hours. This indicates that the body is overloaded with toxins. For understanding,  you can imagine that a live food is a plant, because it can grow and sprout when given the suitable environments (sunlight, water, growing grounds).

Another thing is that superfoods are highly concentrated with nutrients. It can contains more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than any citrus fruits and more complete protein (more than 60%) than meat (about 25%). With this, it is super packed with nutrients over others. What made it more special is that is a wholesome food. The "whole" means complete. It contains complete nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and live enzyme. 

Summary and recommendations

Superfoods have the best concentration of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal your body. they also contain a range of other substances including essential fatty acids and healthy bacteria which help your digestive system function more effectively, and protect you against disease and illness. Nevertheless, slowing down aging.

Greens supplements can function as a serving of fruits and vegetables, and contain vitamins, minerals, fibre, and phytonutrients. It is highly recommended that everyone to use green supplements in addition to real foods and when you don't have access to real foods.

Do take note, it is highly encouraged that you take green supplements for additional health benefits with the recommended daily intake. For therapeutic purposes, please get the guidance of practitioner.  

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