Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Attempts in weight gaining and losing

First attempt:
Diet: In M'sia, most meal taken was eat out. (economic rice and etc).
Results: Gain more fat than muscle mass
Activities: Gym and some sports
Later: loss all of the weight gained and revert back to original state

Second Attempt:
Diet: At Aus, 90% home-cooked meal with literally very low fat and no spices (salt, sugar except tomato sauce). Eat in bulk and frequently.
Results: More muscle mass gained compared than fat.
Activities: Gym and some sports
Later: loss all of the weight gained and revert back to original state

Dietary pattern is the crucial factor of weight gaining and losing. What you are eating now, is what will make you into.

3rd Attempt: on experimenting
Aim: To discover the burn and lose the fat while maintaining the body size and slower growth
Diet: same as second attempt but eat in moderation and quality of food
Activities: As much as i can get

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